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Professional Training

The Micronaut Foundation is pleased to offer professional development training to support our clients and community.

Private training engagements are also available. Additionally, courses can be customized to meet your organization’s unique needs. Offerings can be adapted, expanded, combined, and tailored to cover the specific skills your team requires to achieve your goals.

Please let us know if you would like to discuss a private offering for your team by filling out the form below.

Course Catalog

Micronaut Essentials

This intensive 12-hour workshop covers the Micronaut framework in depth and provides developers the knowledge and skills to quickly master the Framework and start maximizing their productivity right away.

Micronaut Data

Micronaut Data is a database access toolkit that uses Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation to pre-compute queries for repository interfaces. A thin, lightweight runtime layer executes those queries.

This workshop helps you understand the Micronaut Data flavors and equips you with the tools necessary to start your persistence journey with Micronaut Data.

Event-Driven Microservices with Micronaut

This 12-hour workshop is a great fit for those who want to gain a productive understanding of the Micronaut® framework, Apache Kafka, and event-driven architecture in cloud-based microservices. Engage in hands-on exercises to gain experience and working examples of event-driven microservices using the Micronaut framework and Apache Kafka.