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Micronaut Predator Renamed Micronaut Data

by Jeff Scott Brown Tags:

We are abandoning the use of the word Predator and will refer to our newly announced technology as Micronaut Data.

Micronaut co-founder, Jeff Scott Brown, today issued a statement in response to community concern about the word Predator. Object Computing, Inc. is committed to building inclusive environments that value and respect the individual and group differences within our open source communities. We stand behind this statement, and we hope that you will join us in our mission to innovate courageously through open source software!

The Object Computing team is very proud of our recently announced data access toolkit. The innovations included in the technology are game changers and represent our commitment to open source technology and helping folks be successful with their technology.

We have heard feedback from the community that the word Predator is a source of anxiety for some.

Community feedback has been critical to our success over the years, and all of it is welcome and considered. In the interest of addressing those shared concerns, we are abandoning the use of the word Predator with respect to our technology and will refer to our newly announced technology simply as Micronaut Data.

Our focus remains on building and helping our community to build better technology. This is what we do and will continue to do.

The community is an important part of that journey for us — the most important part of that journey.

— Jeff Scott Brown, Object Computing Partner