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Community Project: Micronaut Guides Review

by Iván López Tags:

Micronaut Guides are detailed tutorials that help our community get the answers and tips they need to move forward with their projects quickly and efficiently. We strive to make sure that all of our guides are clearly written and technically thorough, so you can access the information you need with little to no difficulty or delay.

A couple of months ago, we announced our new infrastructure for the Micronaut guides. Since then we’ve migrated almost all the old guides, and we’ve written new guides to explain how to do a lot of new things with the Micronaut framework.

In the interest of providing the best possible user experience to our community, the last step of the migration is to review each guide to make sure we didn’t make any mistakes during the migration. As you can probably imagine, that’s a pretty big job!

That’s where you come in!

We realized that the review process could be completed much faster if we had a little help from our awesome community! In addition to looking over each guide for errors that might have occurred during the transfer, this is also a great opportunity for you to provide feedback regarding the guides’ content. Are the instructions clear? Is there any additional information that might make the processes easier to implement?

Your Mission … Should You Choose to Accept It

If you’d like to assist us with this project, here’s what you can do:

  1. Go to the GitHub issues tagged with review label and review the guide mentioned there.
    • Six identical versions of each guide are generated; the only difference between them is the code and some minor build-related instructions. Thus, you don’t need to read every word of all six versions of the guide you’ve selected; you just need to read through one to make sure it makes sense. Because the old guides were written only with Gradle in mind, it would be especially helpful if you could review the Maven versions.
  2. Leave a comment on the issue letting us know it’s been reviewed.
    • If the guide is okay, note that in your comment.
    • If you find something that is not clear or doesn’t make sense, please include a comment explaining what needs to be updated. Extra kudos if you submit a PR with the fix.

After a couple of weeks, we will review all the issues, and we will raffle some Micronaut swag among all the people who helped us during this review process.

Finally, if you think you can contribute with a new guide, feel free to open an issue to discuss your idea for a topic. We welcome guide contributions from the community as well!