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Micronaut 1.3 Milestone 1 Released

by Graeme Rocher Tags:

The Micronaut team at Object Computing is excited to announce the release of Micronaut 1.3 M1. This is the first milestone of Micronaut's 1.3 line, and it includes a number of significant new features.

The Micronaut team at Object Computing, Inc. is excited to announce the release of Micronaut 1.3 M1. This is the first milestone of Micronaut’s 1.3 line, and it includes a number of significant new features, including:

  • Integrated support for Micronaut Data
  • Immutable configuration properties
  • Cache support for Ehcache and Hazelcast
  • Enhancements and updates to the Kafka, Views, GRPC, SQL, and OpenAPI modules

The most significant new feature in this first milestone is the integration of Micronaut Data, so you can easily set up projects that include Micronaut Data using the CLI.

See the release notes for further information.

Thanks to all those who contributed to the release, and we look forward to your feedback as we progress Micronaut 1.3 toward a GA release.